Take me everywhere that you go

It is not new the fact that I always like to walk with something in my hands, maybe because I never know what to do with my hands while I am walking or simply because I am a huge fan of bags.
Recently that has been changing in myself, I started to be tired of always have hand bags, of caring in it more that I need, of constantly hurt my hand and swap it hand to hand.
So that days are over, with my new Paul Smith laptop case that I will use as bag, yes still bag but at least will be not so heavy  and because it is smaller that the average bags I won't have the change to pack it with all the stuff that normally I would.
Sunny days are coming and we are ready for less and less clothes, my "new bag" will have plenty or opportunities to go out in a walk with me and play mix and match with the rest of the clothing team!


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